Week #31 Big Spider and Week #32 The Almond Tree

Sent: Monday, February 5, 2018 12:04 PM


The biggest story of the week is when I got to the apartment and my comp yells at me "woah oh my" or something. I had a feeling it meant spider time. Then he says "The world's biggest spider." The dude wasn't lying. The thing was huge. I kill it with a large broom. It took like a good 8 hits. Since then, no big spiders in the apartment. 

We also cooked a nice asado on Sunday. That was cool. We cook this meat really nice and slow, then we cook these peppers that you crack eggs into. Both of them turned out really well. The asado was a bit raw so we put it back on then finished it. I am not sick!

I also probably had pink eye this week, I woke up with eye boogers all week and my eyes were a little red. I made sure not to touch them then just continued working...... kinda gross but sometimes you gotta do it.

It's pretty awesome. We started working again with this investigator that we weren't able to contact all last transfer and now we finally get to. His name is Juan. That shouldn't be surprising.

Everything is going well. I need more time to really see how some things are going to turn out, we still have a lot of fairly large problems in the area/branch but we are grinding to make them better.

Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 1:12 PM
Don't have much time to write. Let's go fast.

1. This week we started the exercise competition. That was pretty rad. Elder Dicou and I are putting in work to get first place.

2. We visited a neighborhood that’s called "barrio los almendros," which is The Almond Tree Neighborhood. It was cool. We'd never been there before.

3. I stepped on a giant tick and it shot gross dog blood like 5 feet. Absolutely disgusting.

4. We ate some Bolivian food. I love Bolivian food.

5. We gave talks this week.

6. We played some sick soccer today and I shamelessly headed a goal in over an 8 year old. I kinda feel bad now. Soccer in Argentina is fun though. The 8 year old’s are actually insanely good sometimes.

7. The grape harvest has started. We live in grape capital of South America. The grapes are really good but they all have seeds. That also means all men leave their houses from 6 am to 7pm picking grapes for the next couple months. 


I hope I have more time next week to write. Today is Carnavál, some weird 2 day holiday here in South America. Nothing is open.

-Elder Murphy


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