Week #5.....Five weeks down
I leave for Argentina in almost exactly 9 days from now, I
am extremely excited. The MTC is getting old if I am being completely honest, I
am very ready to leave. It's not that I don't like it here, I just feel that I
would be better able to fulfill my purpose as a missionary if I was already out
in the mission field.
Yesterday was a special day for missionaries because we got
our travel itinerary. Mine shows that I go from Salt Lake to Atlanta at 2 PM
next Monday, then leave from Atlanta to Buenos Aires that night. I assume that
I will have to bus my way to Mendoza because that part isn't on my travel plan.
Either way, getting your Flight Plan is usually a really big reality check of
exactly what we are doing here on missions.
Last Sunday, my district performed a song out loud in front
of over 2700 people at the MTC devotional and it was awesome. It was probably
the first time in my life that I have performed anything for a large group of
people that weren't parents of the participants. It was a little bit scary, but
we made it through. I even heard someone singing our song the next day at the
MTC store.
This is a video of the district practicing their song before performing at the Devotional |
The best part of the week was probably greeting other
missionaries and bringing them to their dormitories and classrooms. It was
extremely sad to see other missionaries leaving their parents; I almost teared
up a little bit remembering when I arrived here. Greeting the new missionaries
is truly an amazing treat because you see them change their perspective really
quickly as soon as they put their name tag on. It really is a big sacrifice,
but it is worth it.
In Doctrine and Covenants 6:13 it states:
"If thou wilt do good, yea, and hold out faithful to the end, thou shalt be saved in the kingdom of God, which is the greatest of all the gifts of God; for there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation."
The missionaries that came in on Wednesday truly
understand this principle and are willing to sacrifice much of their life to
bring "the greatest of all the gifts of God."
Thank you for reading my email this week!
-Elder Murphy
This is a picture of my sister Hannah's awesome cards that she made for people in my district. I laminated them and everybody loves them. Thank you Hannah! |
Elder Fitzgerald and I. He is one of the wisest people here, both secularly and spiritually. He knows more about the grammar of Spanish than I know about the grammar of English! |
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