Week #44 - Goodbye Bells

Week #44 - Goodbye Bells

This was honestly one of the best weeks of my mission. It was for fairly personal reasons, but I really understand that God really gives trials to his children to make them stronger. I am much stronger for the medical trials that I have passed through, and am now a better person because of them.

I am now officially accustomed to the offices. It is actually a lot of fun in many ways. I really like that we can do both the missionary work and work in the offices. If you do it right, that means that you don't really get burnt out doing either of them. It's fun to be able to switch it up.

This week, the Argentina Mendoza mission is losing two great missionaries, Elder and Hermana Bell. They are are wards only senior couple. Elder Bell reminds me of my dad kind of, he likes cars, finance, economics and the game of cribbage. I've gotten to know him better in the offices. I hope my dad does the finances in the mission offices one day, i feel like he'd be good at that.

It was a super fun week also because I got to do two exchanges with the assistants. They are the two highest leader missionaries in the mission. I learned a lot from them and we had a lot of success together. During my time with one of the assistants, we had to go to the bathroom at the church. We get to the church and there are like 25 kids who aren't members playing soccer. We tell them it is private property and they can't do it, but if they talk to the bishop they can. We gave all of the kids a tour of the church and 5 of them showed up to all 3 hours of church and talked to the bishop about using the soccer court every Saturday night. It was pretty awesome.

Whelp, that was my week. Truly one of the best weeks of my mission for many reasons. 

-Elder Murphy


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